Sunday, October 22, 2006

Remember Me a Kiss (Do Album Negro, Musgo e Carmim)

As bold and gloomy sounds are listen,
And the glow-worms haven't yet started to glisten,
I walk alone under the pale and foggy rain
Wandering if there's another chance for me again.
I cross the streets of empty feigns
Cold as I feel the slit of thunder slanting over my veins.
And there's anybody else around except an old toad
Who gets closer to me as I start to feel odd.
He comes slowly in tiptoe
And shows me all that he owe:
It's a sparkling ring from the ancient quarrels
Where it's scribbled alongside two little arrows:

"Remember Me A Kiss"

As I try to get through the quiz
He starts to quiver and asks me this:
- Do you want to exchange it for a bottle of gim?
And I replied to him:
- Why are you grabbing so forcefully my hands?
Meanwhile the ring falls like timely sands
He stops breathing for a moment, stretching them tight
And a thousand years are past as in an hour-glass night.
- I don't have with me a bottle of gim!
- Don't worry, I'm already dim!

And as I, raptured, tried hardly to understand
What was his crazy plan
From the grey skies come two quick flashes
That turned the quitter into ashes
And I remained there,
Satiated with the atmosphere,
And then I remembered the pain
That I felt before in the rain
And because I was then so slight
I tumbled into the ground after the plight
But while I opened my hands and saw the ring
I couldn't refrain to feel what it could bring:
Is it so good to be outwardly wit
While always being wistful within?


cris said...

escrevi um post uma vez no qual eu conversava com um galo. mas o seu ta muiuto mais legal! :-)


Anonymous said...

É, esse tipo de poema-historinha tem que ser em inglês mesmo! Fica muito legal, não sei exatamente por que motivo, na língua anglo-saxã...
E é 10! Nossa, e onde vc arrumou umas palavras aí?!